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Declutter Before the Holidays

Our Take

Before the holidays fill your home with family, friends, food and gifts, why not get rid of all the things you no longer need. Just think about how much more relaxing your holiday season will be, if your home is already clutter free. You won’t have to run around  to find places for the kids toys, throw away all that old mail and hide your laundry in the closet minutes before your guests arrive. By starting your decluttering now you can also take your time to go through each room so that you won’t feel rushed or stressed. Setting goals and keeping track of what you have accomplished will also make your whole home declutterinng go smoother. Goals not only help to keep you going, they help you to recognize all the hard work you have done. The article below helps even further by providing guidelines for your decluttering. For example, make sure you completely finish one project before starting another. You should also pull everything out from the room before starting so that you have a clean slate to begin with. Picking a time commitment for each project or room is also important so that you don’t give up too early. As with all decluttering, be completely honest with yourself. Do you really need that old coat when you have five others? Put some time aside each week leading up to the holidays, put together a plan and get going on your decluttering so that you have a smoother, happier, stress free holiday season.

Spending time decluttering may not be the first thing that you think of doing during the summer, but it is actually a great time to get things done!  In general, the days are a little more laid back, daily routines are more relaxed, and the nicer weather tends to improve energy levels.  See?  The perfect time to declutter!

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