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Overflowing dumpster from home cleanout

How To Load a Dumpster Efficiently

When you rent a roll-away dumpster, you may think that using it is as simple as throwing your items inside and calling it a day. Unfortunately, treating your dumpster in this way will prevent you from getting the most possible use out of it. Here’s how you should tackle the job of loading your dumpster.

Step 1: Break Down Large Items

When you are tossing something into the dumpster, break it down into its smallest state. Anything that can break down should be because this will allow more items to fit. Even basic building materials, like foam core or drywall, should be broken into smaller pieces. Similarly, flatten all boxes to avoid taking up the bulk of your dumpster with empty space inside boxes.

Step 2: Choose the Right Placement

If possible, place your dumpster on the driveway in an open area away from other belongings. If this is not possible, use plywood to cover the area where you plan to place the dumpster.

Step 3: Review Lists

Before you start loading your dumpster, review a list of what is and isn’t allowed. Only throw away items that are legal in your state.

Step 4: Load From Back to Front

Start loading your dumpster on the back or closed end, and then work your way to the front or gate end. This will protect you from getting hemmed in by garbage.

Step 5: Add Larger Items First

If an item is large and bulky, you’ll want to add it to the dumpster first. Smaller items can fit in around these large items, giving you more capacity. Add a complete layer at the bottom of the dumpster made up of your bulky items.

Step 6: Slow Down and Fill Gaps

As you fill the dumpster, make sure you go slowly enough that you can see where you are putting things in the dumpster. Fill in around gaps with your smaller items. Remember, the more you utilize the space, the more that you will be able to fit in your dumpster rental.

Step 7: Give Attention to Weight

If you have particularly heavy or lightweight items, make sure you add them so that you are distributing the weight evenly in the dumpster. If you don’t do this step, then the items in the dumpster can move around during transit. This can create a serious problem for the driver and others on the road with them. Even weight distribution requires some thinking through your project before you start, but it’s an important safety step to take.

Step 8: Keep the Load Low

Finally, make sure you don’t over-fill the dumpster. You want the items to be lower than the side wall of the dumpster. This will protect the driver from having loose items could fall out over the side if the trash piles up too high. If you have heavy items, keep the load 12 inches or lower below the highest point of the side wall. This will protect against the risk of exceeding the weight limit.

If you are ready for a dumpster rental, Next Day Dumpsters can make it happen. Reach out to our team at (888) 616-3495 today to request a quote.