an old TV lying in a pile of trash

Can TVs Go in Dumpsters?

If you have ever tried to put a TV on the curb to be taken away as trash, you have probably felt frustrated when it was still sitting there after work. Why won’t the garbage man take your TV? The answer is that he isn’t allowed to in many states.

Many states have passed environmental legislation that prevents many types of electronics from entering landfills. This legislation protects the environment because modern electronics contain high levels of toxic components that can hurt the soil. So if you are renting a dumpster, you need to be aware of these rules and regulations.

What About Dumpsters?

If you have a TV you no longer want and are renting a dumpster to tackle a renovation or other home cleaning task, you may be wondering if you could just throw the TV in the dumpster. If you cover it with enough other debris, maybe no one would even know?

The answer to this question depends largely on your local laws and regulations, but if it’s illegal to send the TV to the trash, then it’s also illegal to toss it in a dumpster you rented. Depending on the terms of your rental contract, you could face big fines if you try to sneak past the rules and throw it out anyway.

That being said, if you know you have a TV or other electronics you need to toss into the dumpster, ask the dumpster rental company first. You may be able to dispose of it by paying an extra fee, or your area may not have regulations about TVs in dumpsters. Always ask first because you might find out you do have options.

What Alternatives Are Available for Getting Rid of TVs?

If you can’t use the dumpster or put your TV on the curb, you do have alternatives.

One option is to try to sell the TV. You are probably thinking no one would want it because it’s broken, but this isn’t true. People often buy broken electronics to salvage parts from them.

Another option is an electronic waste recycling program in your community. These programs will take electronics and properly recycle them to keep them out of landfills. They may even host collection events that give people like you the opportunity to drop off used electronics in a safe, environmentally friendly place.

If you are looking for more information about getting rid of all types of garbage, don’t hesitate to contact Next Day Dumpsters. We will help you understand what you can and cannot throw out in your area, so you can get rid of your unwanted stuff.

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